Physic Department of the University of Rouen, France.
Edwige Pissaloux is a full professor at the University of Rouen, Physic Department, and closely collaborates with the ISIR (Institute of Intelligent Systems and Robotics) at Paris-Sorbonne University and with the MIT (France-MIT program). Author of more than 250 journals and conferences papers,
Prof. Pissaloux main research interest is in modeling and design of vision, visuo-tactile and interactive systems. The proposed models are applied to humanoid robot and to design of new multimodal assistive devices for impaired (motor and vision) people. Recently, Prof. Pissaloux has proposed a concept of visuo-tactile interface (named Intelligent glasses), a breakthrough wearable embedded system for mobility assistance of visually impaired, and “Museal Guide”, an inclusive visuo-tactile system for accessibility to artworks.
Professor’s Pissaloux research is supported via European Funds (e.g. FP7 AsTeRICS EU, the design of a visible spectrum intelligent gaze tracker for upper limb motor impaired people), Regional (e.g. Guide Muséal),national funds (CNRS, CEA) or international projects (e.g. on-going “ACCESSPACE, a new technology for visually impaired accessibility to space during their mobility” , France, UK, Mexico), or NAV-VIR, France-Poland PHC Polonium project).
She initiated several national series of conferences such as “Space and its perception: application to design of assistive technologies” or “Eye, gaze and interaction”.
Prof. Pissaloux is a member of several international advisory boards of universities and research institutes, and teaches in several universities (Australia, Hong-Kong, Canada). She acts an international expert for several research bodies and international institutions such as European Commission, NSF/USA, Canada, UK, Australia, China, Switzerland, etc.
Prof. Pissaloux participated and/or co-animated European Excellence networks such as Visual and Hearing Impairment and the EUCOG (European Network for the Advances of Cognitive Systems, Interaction and Robotics).
In her free time, as violinist and violin professor, Prof. Pissaloux teaches violin for visually impaired children.